
By Yan Li

PhD in Bioinformatics, University of Liverpool

2 Programming languages

  • Bash / Linux cmd
  • R

3 Databases

  • NCBI
  • UniProtKB
  • KEGG

3 Workflows

  • Genome assembly
  • Identify variations
  • Differential Expressing analysis

7 File formats

  • Fasta
  • GFF
  • Genbank
  • Fastq
  • Sam / Bam
  • Vcf

14 Bioinformatic softwares

  • Conda
  • Blast
  • Genome assembly
    • trimmomatic, seqtk, fastqc, spades, quast, bandage
  • Identify variations
    • bwa, samtools, gatk, SNPeff
  • Differential expressing analysis
    • DEseq2, g.profiler

x Learning resources

  • Read the linked website about your interested topics
  • No fear of English
  • No fear of Code